Weigh in:
Retreat Socks

Vancouver scarf- Yarn Hollow

Woven Scarf- Chroma
Attached Snaps and buttons to Tapanzee

Fiber Exercise:
Key Lime- 250 yards

Stormy Weather

Gun Metal- Tightly braided

My exercise:
Lots going on here
Cooking School:
Color work
In the Kitchen:
Garlic Lime Chicken fajitas
Pot Luck:
Aniyah's Jive Turkey Hat
DeJavu Thermis
Sleeping Baby's Castle Blanket
Baby sucky thumb mitt
Hat for bro
Book 5 of HP- Order of the Phoenix
Book 5 of Outlander- now at Audible
Grand Baby time!

Thanksgiving plans change
Small Christmas planned
Mini Skein Swap
On the Menu:
Camp KIP- Not attending
Knittin’ in the Mitten 2011/12-
Cooperative Press
Gadget Corner:
Celtic Meditation Music Specialists $9.99 on iTunes
Contest: CraftSanity Mag- Thank you Yarn Hollow for the give away