Ep 66 was a year ago.
I want to say thank you
to all of the listeners who have donated
while Sarge has been deployed.
We could not have done it without you!
College- Finishing this quarter next week starts new quarter Decision on my hair Sentsy- I won! Thank you Dawn Knit Naturally Podcast Celtic Thunder
Clean Up: Belgariad, Malloreon, Belgarath, Polgara Weddings by Bella series
On the Menu: Knit-a-way April 7-17
Packing OMG! Cord organizer
Stitches Midwest
Knittin’ in the Mitten
8 spots left for stay over 7 spots for Day trippers
Swap table- Pay it forward
Gadget Corner: E-tomic Balm- Goodies Unlimited
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