With Jackie from Knitter with critters podcast
Weigh in:
Jackie: Abrazo, Sock yarn Granny blanket, Baby cable rib socks, Lace cowl
Coggie: Raglan sweater, socks, found the Sgt. Scarf
Fiber Exercise:
Spinning Polypay wool
My exercise:
week off
Cooking School:
Dividing for sleeves, casting on & short row placement for chest area
Big girl knits
Edit from cast- sorry
I screwed up in talking. I said inches for the cup sizes and it should have been short rows.
B= 2 short rows (4 rows total)
C= 4 short rows (8 rows total)
D= 6 short rows (12 rows total)
Over a D do a double short row:
1st 6 short rows- the pick up and knit a row around Starting back at furthest point add:
DD= 1 more short row (2 rows) E= 2 More….
I am sorry and I hope this helps.
In the Kitchen:
Chilli Cheese Goodness
1 large box of Velveeta
3 cans of Hormel chili
3 8 oz. packages of cream cheese
1/2 a bottle of Frank’s hot sauce (optional)
18 oz bottle of barbecue sauce (I used Uncle Stubb’s Spicy, but the original called for Wango Tango)
Dump into crock-pot, but on high long enough to blend items, and cook on low for a few hours, the longer the better.
Courtesy of Salty Sea Dog Bill
Pot Luck:
AGoodYarn: Oscar Meyer Muffin Sweater
Patsand: baby surprise jacket
Lilyshoppp: Second Sweater - Liesl
DrMolly: Woman's Textured Sleeveless Pullover a la drMolly
Queue Sorting
States Afghan
Ravelympics projects: From the heart
What keeps me company?
Its spelled PURL
Savvygirls podcast
Gadget Corner:
Row counter Document:
Copy here and pop it into a word doc or excel of your own.
Pattern Name:
Part of Pattern (body, sleeve, etc.):
Rows Completed: 1 2 3…
Increase Rows:
Decrease Rows:
Cable Rows:
The idea behind this is to read through your pattern first. When your pattern says (ex. decrease after 5 inches as follows…. And on every sixth row five times, you can plan ahead so you know where you are at all times). I like to use this so I’m not rereading the pattern twenty times to make sure I’ve got it all covered. This also helps you avoid mistakes related to the dreaded “and at the same time”.