Weigh in:
Finished Iced
Started: sweater inspired by WWSIP day
Socks for college take along project
Still Going: Hats
Fiber Exercise:
Finished spinning ½ of Bamboo/Merino
Gained the alpaca, and Marr Haven yarn
My exercise:
10 minute a day 4x this week
Cooking School:
Inserting a zipper

In the Kitchen:
Baked Acorn Squash
Pot Luck:
Phoenixfire: tilting TARDIS
tanteUll: Jaywalker
tmkr: Starry Alpaca Celaeno
Skburger: Jana Banana Spandexpants Sock Monkey
Field Report:
Keeping soldiers warm update: 102 hats.
Snow is in the mountains now : Ordered Hand warmer bags- Froogle.com
Need: to find an ornament, Start 2 baby blankets.
Spirit of America Pictures on Blog
Art Prize/Art Walk
On the Menu:
Rhinebeck!! Spreadsheet (no, I didn't make it)
Knit Wits Podcast
Gadget Corner:
Wickedpyssa: Getting Organized