Weigh in:
Working on: Chiefs sweater

Nutkins socks

Started: Mug cozies (flirtation cozy)

Started: Two socks at a time
Frogged: Knotty gloves
Finished: three Muppet pelts for charity

Blanket pads for Pound Puppies
Ms. Purple Pants

Fiber Exercise:
Spun up the rest of the Wensleydale and plied it.
Spun up some of the dyed wool

and some of the Polypay wool.
Plying Questions answered by Bams
Making of a Rolag Youtube Video
Spinning tips from Jackie
Spinning Alpaca still, BFL
Cold Water Wash Method explained
Our exercise:
Bams: Week 4 of Couch2-5K
Coggie: Added Walk away the pounds
Shout out:Welcome Charlotte to the world!
Happy Birthday and good job mom & dad !
Interview with Windswept Farms – Thank you Mike and Heather
Lots of information and Bams bought another fleece. The Farm does have a few left.
The Spinning room:

The Sheep:

The Fleece Room:

“You’ve just been schooled”:
More Info can be found on Bams Blog
Clun Forest Fiber: Yummy
Columbia Fiber: Hearted
On the menu:
Knit away in Two Weeks: Bams is excited!
Knit Michigan: Find info here Feb. 7, 2009
LNYP: February 20th at City Knitting in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gadget Corner:
Ear Light Find it here
Archives.org has our shows now use one of our names as a keyword in search